I have just found an interesting controller by Mawzer.
Mawzer is the only MIDI controller on the market that allows infinite customizable combination of controls.
While Lemur allows you to digitally recall modules(that's what i think), Mawzer is taking more analog approach. Just like with those modular synthesizers, they have made bunch of modules such as faders, knobs, buttons and by plugging them into special case(16/32) that they've made, you can virtually create any kind of controller to control your audio/visual applications.
they both are MIDI controllers.. and seems so great but an ultimate question, which is better, is still left unknown to me and to most of you reading this post.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Plug-In Midi Controller
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
6:13 AM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Forums - part 2 Gearslutz
i thought i would post an extended blogs on one of the forums that i posted earlier. This gearslutz.com is one of the best and interesting forums there for recording
total members: 20,918
Total Posts: 799,199
as you can see in these two figures, rediculous number of people who are into Recording are interacting with each other everyday.
It is easy for us to find consumer level/pro level relatively new gear but what about for vintage gear? All could be in gearslutz.com alone.
if you were curious where you could find those relatively new gear even... you might want to check out these web sites.
these should be enough to go with. audiomidi offer educational discounts also so if you are student, take advantage of them. or go to Academic Super Store for even more selections.
anyway, let's just wipe all that sucks.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
1:20 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
Forums - arts, music, production, recording, etc etc.
i am compling a list of interesting forums that i sometimes visit. i particiapate in many activities and they are there to enhance my overall experience. Likewise, if you know any forum that are good/better, or forums wish you existed please let me know as i am trying to launch a community board myself.
Music/Audio Production, Recording, Gear
Arts - they are not the best forums that i know of. i will post what's in my mind right now.
forum categories in search
- Sound Design/Foley forums - where people post and share their unusual recording habits
- Photography, Lighting forums - whatever about lights and perception.
- other VJ/Visual Effects forums - more stuff on synching Audio/Visual
as these will be all part of what i'm trying to lauch. please help me out and we'll create something that was never there. thanks in advance.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
4:32 PM
Lemur - touch screen programmable controller
Lemur in Action
i wonder how good this actually is..
i've been hearing about this for like a year already and i found on Cycling '74 web site that you can actually buy it.
supposed to be a programmable controller for digital modular systems like Reaktor, Max/MSP, Pure Data, etc. i mean you can actually make your own interface since it's touch screen...just purely amazing.
there is another weird controller called tenorion but i guess that's still work in progress.
p.s. i'm not a fan of digital music...
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
2:26 PM