Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Guitar and Violin Playing - Pinky hell

I've started playing violin and since my left pinky has started to function very well.

Violin has really small, or thin neck as you know and that actually made me realize how important the grip was.

basically you have to have two things in your mind.

1. you and your hands have to be relaxed!
2. you apply necessary pressure when you need them. quick press and slight release. volume knob 10 -> 8 the moment you press it.

you have to make your pinky feel like other finger. you have to train it so that you know exactly what muscles move pinky. Flexor and Extensor muscles are almost at where your elbow is. try moving you pinky by itself and look at where it moves. that's what you need to train.

also you have to know Middle, Ring, and Pinky all are connected. shares one muscle. Finger independence is actually not possible. You really have to feel their differences and connection.

exception there is to a pinky because you can actually move your bottom joint (one that connects to your palm) pretty freely. and you have to move pinky from there.

anyway so the GRIP.
you basically have to find where your pinky can gain the most power. it is a weak finger. it's small but there is a point where you are grabbing the neck. and You feel that energy is spread out evenly onto each fingers.

next time you grab your guitar, try grabbing from your bottom joint. Obviously you only want finger tip to touch the finger board but you lay down your fingers from your bottom joint..

I wish I could explain this to you using pictures but try that.

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