i bought one good priced black japanese tele from my friend. it's custom and has rosewood fret board. plays really nice. wonderful except for bridge pick up which sounds horrible. not so horrible with my marshall artist 3203 distortion but yeah still it can be improved in a big way. it's never edgy enough and when i use both at the same time it sounds like it cancels each other out.
i've never owned a tele before but i always wanted them. i've just sold all my guitars i had for heavier rock stuff and i can concentrating on aquiring this my own tone i've been wanting. it's still like illiusion, or nothing solid but i'm having much fun just trying things out.
you can create all kinds of tone but having clean(or crunch to be accurate) tone handled is my current biggest challenge. it's everything you really have to pay attention to. from jack, guitars, amps, cabs, to effects... many options and many different ways of expressing.
i wish everyone really thought about tone at least a little more when they play.
recent jeff buckley birthday gig really made me say that...
way too many people just plays music... or just does it for fun "only" and i hope you find a little more depth in what you enjoy...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Telecaster and tone.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
7:33 PM
Labels: guitar
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
we should try this out.
just to see if it really works.
go sign up (free) at
and for referral member ID make sure you copy and paste
or just click here to sign up now!!!
http://www.agloco.com/r/BBBB2172 (put your ID) is how you build your own referral link
way it works is like....
if you refer more people, you get more and more money/month for surfing internet using their view bar thing.. only for windows.. i think... though..
if people you refer more people you get a lot more money..
i refer | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
if those people refer | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 10 |
avg. hrs/mo of surfing | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
earnings/month | 39.75 | 152.25 | 427.25 | 977.25 | 13889.75 |
they pay by hours....
so if they search 2 hours average then earning doubles.
pretty cool
sign up here
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
11:46 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
one liners from gearslutz.com
These are all one liners i've rescued from Gearslutz.com...
all things actually happen while recording session seems like...wow....
some people really are stupid.
"i have got to have more SMPTE in my headphones"
"Do you have 1/2" ProTools?"
"Gimme more ADVERB on vocals!!!"
"It's sounding good but can you harmonize the snare, please?"
"the bad thing is that here in switzerland is no high class porn producer, only this amateur with ugly chicks thing" yeah high class what?
wanted ad: "For sale: Acoustic guitar, recently tuned."
"I'm better than I sound."
" i know what im doing, i used to work at TWEETER"
a guitar player asks "Am i good enough to wear cowboy boots?"
"Once a drummer tried to tell me how intense 13/6 time was" yeah i can't even imagine....
rapper dude looks at pop filter and.. "Wow, this MIC gotta be expensive"
almost too clever....
"Can you hook up the vocal backwards through the de-esser to put some "sss" back into the vocal?"
"Yo, we're makin you rich today homie"
and just tons and tons of funny shit like ...
"ROCKER: It sounds like the toms are exploding!
ENGINEER: Actually, that's just your drummer hitting our mics constantly."
I just remembered another one by a bassist I like to call "The Butcher" Think Mel Gibson in 'Conspiracy Theory' on steroids.
The Butcher: D F+ G+, B, F, C, E, F, D+ (+ are sharps)
Me: What key are you in???
The Butcher: I'm a bassist, we don't use keys.
Me: My bad...
Click hear to read more
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
10:18 PM
Jeff Buckley BB4 Documentary
found a very cool documentary on Jeff Buckley since his 40th birthday event in Hollywood the other night i have been researching again about him and yeah just still and probably forever a great inspiration. |
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
10:27 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Hammered Dulcimer and Autoharp
i just bought kick ass dulcimer and autoharp samples just for $11.xx from soundbrewer.com.
it's generally 8.99 a piece so total is supposed to be 17.80
you get $5 coupon for downloading his FREE samples....
and when i get to the cart i just noticed that he was offering 1.xx discount if you buy 2 products... and happenes to be they were the ones that i wanted... so yeah nice deal. for 2 instruments, 3-4 presets each, and total is about 250 MB.
and it's actually sounding really good...
other than that, there were a couple of more interesting instrument such as toy instrument, bamboo xylophone, etc so go check his web site. you will find something a little bit different.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
4:36 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Plug-In Midi Controller
I have just found an interesting controller by Mawzer.
Mawzer is the only MIDI controller on the market that allows infinite customizable combination of controls.
While Lemur allows you to digitally recall modules(that's what i think), Mawzer is taking more analog approach. Just like with those modular synthesizers, they have made bunch of modules such as faders, knobs, buttons and by plugging them into special case(16/32) that they've made, you can virtually create any kind of controller to control your audio/visual applications.
they both are MIDI controllers.. and seems so great but an ultimate question, which is better, is still left unknown to me and to most of you reading this post.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
6:13 AM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Forums - part 2 Gearslutz
i thought i would post an extended blogs on one of the forums that i posted earlier. This gearslutz.com is one of the best and interesting forums there for recording
total members: 20,918
Total Posts: 799,199
as you can see in these two figures, rediculous number of people who are into Recording are interacting with each other everyday.
It is easy for us to find consumer level/pro level relatively new gear but what about for vintage gear? All could be in gearslutz.com alone.
if you were curious where you could find those relatively new gear even... you might want to check out these web sites.
these should be enough to go with. audiomidi offer educational discounts also so if you are student, take advantage of them. or go to Academic Super Store for even more selections.
anyway, let's just wipe all that sucks.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
1:20 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
Forums - arts, music, production, recording, etc etc.
i am compling a list of interesting forums that i sometimes visit. i particiapate in many activities and they are there to enhance my overall experience. Likewise, if you know any forum that are good/better, or forums wish you existed please let me know as i am trying to launch a community board myself.
Music/Audio Production, Recording, Gear
Arts - they are not the best forums that i know of. i will post what's in my mind right now.
forum categories in search
- Sound Design/Foley forums - where people post and share their unusual recording habits
- Photography, Lighting forums - whatever about lights and perception.
- other VJ/Visual Effects forums - more stuff on synching Audio/Visual
as these will be all part of what i'm trying to lauch. please help me out and we'll create something that was never there. thanks in advance.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
4:32 PM
Lemur - touch screen programmable controller
Lemur in Action
i wonder how good this actually is..
i've been hearing about this for like a year already and i found on Cycling '74 web site that you can actually buy it.
supposed to be a programmable controller for digital modular systems like Reaktor, Max/MSP, Pure Data, etc. i mean you can actually make your own interface since it's touch screen...just purely amazing.
there is another weird controller called tenorion but i guess that's still work in progress.
p.s. i'm not a fan of digital music...
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
2:26 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
They are nice monitors and somehow everyone hates it. it's really good for ambient or some natural sounding stuff. it's not really for rock that's my perspective on it. i think i'm going to be switching this to Event PS 8. | |
This is so far the best near fields in my opinion. i haven't tried more expensive version of Dynaudio so i can't really say but just because bm5 lacks in bass and i can't quite get on it i'm gonna go with Event PS 8. just dynamically any of them are not enough ...and i'll probably seek better monitor forever but just for now it's good enough... if it's the best, why should i look for something else? | |
bm5a..small but not much bass so sub-woofer is necessity. |
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
8:33 AM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Podcast Hack
i actually did a lecture on podcast today.
i found this book to be extremely helpful when creating podcast.
this book explains what you need to start, run, produce, promote etc etc about podcast.
you have topic to discuss but not sure how you can make it interesting, how you can organize the podcast. go to this book.
you don't really know what or how to look for topic but want to start or consider doint it... go pick up this book.
you already produce but looking for tools or way to enhance your podcast shows go pick up this book.
you already started and everything is ready but don't know how to publish and promote? go pick up this book
for $15~16 you get TONs of infomation. it's the all in one BIBLE for podcast. period.
talks about how to record a Skype conversation and turn that into podcast. so this let you do tons of things.
like just do a quiz, conference recording and publish that. you know how useful that actually is even for a company.
different types of podcasts: news, beercast, review, political, narrative, quiz/games, etc etc.
just look at this book for all you need. you won't regret it..
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
9:55 PM
Friday, May 05, 2006
Considering MacBook Pro
before i go into the actual post i have to tell people who is at the cubase.net. this forum is full of junk and if you are the one who makes it worse. Have a F***ing better life!!!! It just too hard to find GOOD POSTS in there. way too many scams or just poeple not caring stuff. so anyway, i had to get info on Universal binary, Cubase issue from somewhere other than themselves...stupid...
so yes the main topic! finally...
the deal is i'm considering going to MacBook Pro. i have PowerMac G52G Dual, 250GBHD, 1GBRam. it is a great machine and i love it for everything it can do but the thing is i cannot take it out and use it live.
seriously the PowerBook G4 is thing of the past and it doesn't run logic or best quality samplers like Kotakt, Ivory. i'm a pianist (fake) and i always dreamed of using them live. so that i don't have to run cheap windows stuff that i currently use(my laptop is good but not as good as i want it to be. absynth, etc runs totally fine so just for those heavy duty sample based instruments)
so basically for me what it means is that upgrading to MacBook Pro, if it works like a magic(i mean look at the spec and price), combining those two computers into one laptop. Although i'm going to be in need of some kind of data format that can let both win and mac read/write/execute data from/onto it, this saves alot of time and energy for me.
so i was just so inclined to buy this thing and here comes another issue..
Cubase, Photoshop doesn't run...
Steinberg Cubase - they will support it soon and it will probably start running better since it's written for PC originally anyway.
Adobe Photoshop CS ..- this is the bitch..they are not going to support it until the release of CS3 and...yeah they just released CS2 6 months ago or something like that. means another year??? ooooooops. i guess they don't care about newbies who has already jumped into this madness.
anyway that means. computer is magically fast but just won't work as hard as it should. they are either on constant strike and trying to get something out of me or they are just plain childish bastards. software won't be able to talk to the boss (OS not B OS.....wow that's was a lame joke, if you know what i mean)
Universal Binary just sounds f***ing cool but just another marketing message.
Seriously, Mr. Jobs....you just move everyone like crazy! you are playing this game of god right now, don't you?
i'm jealous man. i wanna do that... i wish i was god and make it all work.
so that i don't have to run fake mac on my PC
just a skin that i use.. it looks mac and it loads white background, gray apple logo on startup and it says mac os x on log in screen. it sounds mac and has apple menu instead of start menu and list goes on but yeah.. it's NOT mac unfortunately....i miss it bad......
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
9:10 PM
Drumming is about the face..
Terry Bozzio... yeah that drummer with awful lots of drums has the best face when drumming.. Take a look.
Terry Bozzio Drum Solo
you have to achieve this face man...
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
2:07 PM
i've been seeing lots of cool dreams lately and one is this Universe Expanding.
it's kind of like a class room situation and talking about universe expansion theory. teacher points at screen and it really does show you or lets you feel how universe expands, gravitational pull of planets and stuff like that. then i get to see the beginning of the world, become one of the planets, and travel around the universe. i miss this gravitational pull now. cuz it's not like something you can feel while you are awake...
other than that, i've been going to future as well. saw my future kids, watching my dream in DVD... awesome!! everyone gets to see what i dream about. i wanna see everyone else cool dreams.
craziness in dreas are usually like a beheaded person or weed junkies, war, plane crash stuff like that but you know this kind of craziness in dream are way cooler. thanks to my head. and i hope to see more of these dreams since they are inspiring and innovative.
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
10:12 AM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
A White in Taliban
i heard that some american guy was captured because of his involvment in Taliban. I just think that reason for it was unfair or rather not thought out. "freedom" has been U.S.'s catch phrase for years but never the policy. Seems that U.S. just doesn't support the ideal of "Freedom." U.S. needs to respect the fact that, he could, as an american, join Taliban. i'm by no means supporting them, but that was his decision and thus the reason for the custody shouldn't be based on that.
This is a perfect example of U.S. being very imperialistic and not enforcing "Freedom". There are no "going against" in the country of "Freedom." Very ironic and pathetic that majority of American doesn't even notice that. i just hate American sense of freedom. That you have to stay on "Top" no matter what and that they have to beleive that and find beauty in being on Top. This attitude is way elitus and unfriendly. Yet they think they are actually friendly and being a great country or whatever. Not thinking much about other countries. This is just proof that Americans are so insecure that they just can't control themselves. Irrational and Irrisponsible child. I just want them to notice this point.
They seem to do so subtly or something so that Americans won't notice, but hey... this is too obvious. if you think carefully - if there was no governement, the term "Terrorist" won't even exist. Don't try to rely on them because they rip money by weird Tax Laws. I'd want to pay if this government wasn't THIS SELFISH. I don't want my money to be used on war. They will have to repay me for such an stupid decision but they will not have money to repay me. They are pretty much out of business in the near future.
The thing is... they might start another war just to get more money from Taxes. I'm very disappointed.
(don't get me wrong. i do know some good parts them, too.)
Posted by
SONARHYTHM Logic Pro School
1:31 PM