Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hammered Dulcimer and Autoharp

i just bought kick ass dulcimer and autoharp samples just for $11.xx from

it's generally 8.99 a piece so total is supposed to be 17.80

you get $5 coupon for downloading his FREE samples....
and when i get to the cart i just noticed that he was offering 1.xx discount if you buy 2 products... and happenes to be they were the ones that i wanted... so yeah nice deal. for 2 instruments, 3-4 presets each, and total is about 250 MB.
and it's actually sounding really good...

other than that, there were a couple of more interesting instrument such as toy instrument, bamboo xylophone, etc so go check his web site. you will find something a little bit different.

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