Wednesday, November 22, 2006


we should try this out.
just to see if it really works.

go sign up (free) at

and for referral member ID make sure you copy and paste


or just click here to sign up now!!! (put your ID) is how you build your own referral link

way it works is like....
if you refer more people, you get more and more money/month for surfing internet using their view bar thing.. only for windows.. i think... though..

if people you refer more people you get a lot more money..

i refer 55555
if those people refer 234510
avg. hrs/mo of surfing 11111
earnings/month 39.75152.25427.25977.2513889.75

they pay by hours....
so if they search 2 hours average then earning doubles.

pretty cool

sign up here

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